Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Another Showcase!

Oh hey guys!  Happy Summer!

So for those of you who have read my blog before, you can skip past this paragraph.  But, if you haven't... Hi!  I'm Anna and I act a lot.  I go to these acting classes and occasionally I go on a showcase.  For those of you who don't know, a showcase in acting is basically an event you can go to where you and several other actors will sit in a room and listen to a certain agent, casting director, etc. talk about themselves and their company and, then, one by one you will meet with them separately and preform some sort of piece for them (it kinda depends on who you're meeting with... for example, if you're meeting with a commercial agent, you will prepare a commercial).  So yeah that's a showcase!

Well, I just went on another one!  Yay!  This one was also in NYC, but it was for a commercial agent from the FBI... no jk... from FBI (Frontier Booking International).  So, I drove up to NYC with the family, went to a theater like place, sat in a small room, listened to the commercial agent speak, did my commercial for her, and left on my merry way.  Sounds good right?  Yeah, nothing's ever that simple.  Actually, long story short, I got the wrong address for the showcase, so me and two others, who also got it all mixed up, had to walk for like ten minutes in the city on a really super hot day to get to the place it was actually being held.   As it turns out, one of the people who missed the memo with me was the agent!  Oops.  That can go either way for me, because I got extra time to talk to her on our longgggg walk to the next building, but TECHNICALLY I mixed up the places, so that looks unprofessional... yikes.

Anyway, the actual showcase went great!  I was really happy with the experience and it turned out to be really really fun for me.  I'm not sure whether or not she liked me enough to contact me, but, that's the thing about showcases, however it turns out for you, it's an experience to learn from!

So, I am going to impart my knowledge on you... muhahahaha... If you've read my blog before, I did a post on showcases before with some really super stellar info that would've been really nice to know the first time I did a showcase, so I suggest going back to read that.  In this one, I will cover some things I didn't talk about in that one.  So, here you are friends, a list of things to know for a showcase (or really any type of thing where you are going to try to impress somebody with your mad acting skills):

1) Appearance... Apparently, you shouldn't wear black and/or white.  What?  I know.  Why can't anything just be easy?  Because, it's not.  I guess certain colors like black and white and gray and stuff make you look "washed out."  You want to wear things that will make you stand out, like brighter colors or prettier colors.  UNLESS YOU'RE TOLD OTHERWISE.  Though, the most important thing is to look like yourself and make sure you aren't wearing anything that takes away from your beautiful talent!

2) Preparation.  Be prepared!  You should have all the information you need about the showcase at least a week before it happens.  Otherwise, you won't feel like you are prepared for it and that will mess you up.  You obviously need to prepare your headshot, resume, and whatever you will be preforming, but you should also prepare a bag of things, especially if you are traveling far away.  Example?  Hairbrush, extra headshot/resume, extra pair of clothes (yikes to coffee stains), food, water, and anything you could possibly think of needing.  It also wouldn't hurt to look up information about the agency/agent/whatever you are preforming for.  As it weird as it sounds, knowing what you are getting into makes it less scary.  You want to make this process as easy as you can on yourself.  Being prepared will help you relax, so all you will have to do is act prettily!

3) CHECK YOUR EMAIL!  For goodness sake man, check the email!  Check it!  No seriously, verify a hundred times over that your information is correct.  If your like me, you'll be prepared in advance and ready to go... but, these things are always subject to random changes or misunderstood information.  Basically, problems will almost always arise.  So, just make sure you check your email the night before and the morning of to make sure no one has changed anything up on y'all.

Well, I don't have much else to say that I haven't already blogged about... Oh, except this:  Don't get upset if you mess up or things don't go so well!  Don't get discouraged!  It get's better and easier every single time you do it and, before long, you'll be going to these types of things with mad swag and total confidence!  So keep on keepn' on folks and remember to always be yourself!  :)

Yay inspirational picture!  Thanks for reading another blog post and I hope to talk to you soon <3

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